Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog - "Seven Graphic Novels Every Designer Should Know"

Hi there.

The first article I read (and found extremely interesting) was "Seven Graphic Novels Every Designer Should Know", posted by Dave Seliger on core77.

The article focused on graphic novels that either experimented with a different style on every page -

- or on novels/manga whose artwork adapts to fit the mood and tone of the piece -

but in all cases, really cool work. I read graphic novels and manga a lot (granted, not as much as I used to, but..) and while I do notice that sometiems the artwork adds to the tone, what I've read has never been to that level of awesome and nor have any of the artists experimented with color or style differently on every page. I think it relates back to that video we watched in class, about personalization v. professionalism. In a way, by experimenting like this, the artists are creating their own brand of having new and different ways to create something similar every time. It's truly an amazing way to keep a balance between professionalism and personal wants in regards to design.

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