Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Blog - Selling a Geeky Idea

Article: "3 Tips for Selling a Geeky Idea to Everyone" - found at FastCoDesign.com

The article brings up some points we've been stressing this entire semester (i.e., the point of this class) -- specifically related to how to sell a design. 

The three points it stresses are: 
  1. Make the design physical -- something everyone can both see and touch, just to get a better (pardon the pun) feel for it. We have done these steps in both our research stages and our wireframe stages: we went out and spoke with people, then invited people for our ideation sessions so they could physically write things down; and we drew out our designs on paper before designing them in Adobe.
  2. Expose a process -- explain exactly what the idea does, from the obvious to the lesser known stuff. We did this in a couple steps, but the ones we spent the most time doing this for were steps five (powerpoint 1), six (both with the story we had to come up with and with the describing every button), and eleven (powerpoint 2).
  3. Add some magic -- Beyond the obvious, add some surprises, that can make users want to see it again. An example the article gives is the Android mascot waving to the camera when it comes to life, but my favorite are the literal easter eggs in the Angry Birds games. It isn't explicitly stated you can get these eggs which are scattered everywhere in the game, but when you find them, its really fun and an extra level you didn't necessarily have before.
I enjoyed this article, because as stated, it does have everything to do with this class.

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